Taupiri School is a full primary school, catering for children from Year 1 – Year 8 (5 year-olds to 13 year-olds).
The school is separated into 5 learning classrooms. The year levels within these rooms change throughout the year, as student need and numbers demand. They are looked at as our one Junior, two Middle and two Senior rooms.
The school grounds consist of two large playing fields, two tarsealed courts, two fabulous interactive playgrounds, growing number of native gardens and play areas, including a playhouse built by our students and whanau, a shaded sandpit and a large hall with storage facilities.
Taupiri School students have a wide ranging curriculum including whole school kapahaka, sign language and technology for our Year 7 and 8’s at a local school. We work to develop new curriculum ideas each year with input from students, whanau and the wider community.
Taupiri School has the benefit of a Social Worker in Schools (SWiS) who is based at the school one day a week and who is available for both students and their whanau. The SWiS works alongside the teachers in the classroom and utilises one of our withdrawal spaces.
Taupiri School works in harmony with Huntly Sports Cluster to enhance the Health and Physical Education curriculum. This also gives our students the opportuntiy to experience a wide variety of sporting activities and represent the school in a number of different sporting codes.
We are a member the Duffy-Books-in-Homes programme and KidsCan. The students at Taupiri School benefit directly from fundraising that assists with the cost of school trips, purchasing sports equipment and playground facilities.
Taupiri has a whanau philosophy, where everyone is an important part of how we do things. This allows for tuakana teina relationships to be utilised, both within a classroom and across the school. Whanau are welcome and encouraged to participate in the learning that takes place.
Outdoor activities, such as gardening, has given us opportunity to promote and gain understanding of our environment and our responsibility to leave our planet better than we found it.
The board, staff, students and whanau are committed to working co-operatively in order to lead Taupiri School from the present to the future.
Judith Gribble
The school is separated into 5 learning classrooms. The year levels within these rooms change throughout the year, as student need and numbers demand. They are looked at as our one Junior, two Middle and two Senior rooms.
The school grounds consist of two large playing fields, two tarsealed courts, two fabulous interactive playgrounds, growing number of native gardens and play areas, including a playhouse built by our students and whanau, a shaded sandpit and a large hall with storage facilities.
Taupiri School students have a wide ranging curriculum including whole school kapahaka, sign language and technology for our Year 7 and 8’s at a local school. We work to develop new curriculum ideas each year with input from students, whanau and the wider community.
Taupiri School has the benefit of a Social Worker in Schools (SWiS) who is based at the school one day a week and who is available for both students and their whanau. The SWiS works alongside the teachers in the classroom and utilises one of our withdrawal spaces.
Taupiri School works in harmony with Huntly Sports Cluster to enhance the Health and Physical Education curriculum. This also gives our students the opportuntiy to experience a wide variety of sporting activities and represent the school in a number of different sporting codes.
We are a member the Duffy-Books-in-Homes programme and KidsCan. The students at Taupiri School benefit directly from fundraising that assists with the cost of school trips, purchasing sports equipment and playground facilities.
Taupiri has a whanau philosophy, where everyone is an important part of how we do things. This allows for tuakana teina relationships to be utilised, both within a classroom and across the school. Whanau are welcome and encouraged to participate in the learning that takes place.
Outdoor activities, such as gardening, has given us opportunity to promote and gain understanding of our environment and our responsibility to leave our planet better than we found it.
The board, staff, students and whanau are committed to working co-operatively in order to lead Taupiri School from the present to the future.
Judith Gribble